About LDN
Origin and Purposes
The Red Mesa Leadership Development Network’s primary mission is to train leaders and preachers for Classis Red Mesa of the Christian Reformed Church. We are called to train people who know the Bible and understand it from a Reformed perspective, who minister with skill and competence in the unique culture of Classis Red Mesa, and whose hearts, brimming with thankfulness, are surrendered in devotion to God for His gospel work in their lives.
Recognizing the hardships of attending a seminary or Bible school full-time away from home, the TEAMS committee (a standing committee of Classis Red Mesa overseeing ministry education and development), has created the Red Mesa LDN, a three-year program combining independent study with bi-weekly class sessions. Our focus is three-fold: to grow students Biblical/theological knowledge, ministry skills and relationship with God. (Or as we sometimes call it: "The Three Cs: Content, Competence & Character.")
Scripture declares that “Christ himself gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Eph 4:11-12
LDN is blessed to be part of Christ's own "grace-gifts" for His Church! Join us!
LDN Handbook